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Punta Santiago Dogs is a 501(c)(3)nonprofit (EIN 83-1707731).

Your tax-deductible donation supports our mission to provide community support, care, and transport for the abandoned dogs of Puerto Rico.

Vaccinations and boosters to prevent rabies, bordetella, distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus, and parainfluenza = $100 per animal

Emergency medical attention and sterilization could = hundreds more


Boarding and supplies for a week can = around $50 per animal

And transport to new homes and shelters abroad = up to $500 per animal


Our community volunteers all of their spare time and money to feed, vet, treat, house, and ship these dogs to safety. We can't do this without you!



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  • If you would like to donate food, medicine, crates, or free or discounted vet care, please CONTACT US!

  • Check out our Amazon wishlist

  • Set your Amazon Smile charity to Punta Santiago Dogs and we'll get a small percentage every time you shop! 


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